Monday, September 10, 2007

Olya and the Dormitory

Our return trip wasn’t what we expected. We had our tea party with the deaf boys. We invited them to come bowling, which they did, and they have visited the boys’ apartment. We communicate by a sign language interpretor, lip reading, and one boy who can talk. They are great guys.

We found out that Olya ran away her first night and no one knows where she is. I took this really hard. I had so felt like God arranged us to meet her, we had plans to invite her over for the weekend, we had brought clothes for her, I had bought her French fries and took my picture with her, and that night I prayed for her and wondered if anybody had ever prayed for her before in her life – a weird thought, knowing the hundreds who pray for me. Was there something else we could have done or said? Where is she? Is she safe? I was upset about her for days.

We didn’t see Dasha and Ira again, but we met more girls:

Natasha, 15, who spends weekends with her parents, and says her dad only drinks every couple of weeks.

Anya, 16, who lives with her boyfriend in the village but keeps stuff at the dormitory. She doesn’t like to spend the night there.

And Ksusha, 17, their roommate, didn’t have time to tell us her story but a sweet girl.

A girl who seemed a leader said she weekends with a boyfriend and she had plans to introduce Marina to a boy too, so we couldn’t take her for the weekend. We were praying to get her out of there for the weekend! Marina, however, has decided to move back into Lucia’s apartment for good!

Lucia met a former classmate working there who welcomed us to come and speak to the kids about the transition homes! Lucia wants me to teach a weekly English class there. Pray for this.

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